Vision 2030

Vienna Public School District #55 formally resolved to support the work and initiatives of Vision 2030 ( Vision 2030 represents the second time education stakeholders fostered collaboration and unity among education organizations across the state to create an advocacy framework for public education in Illinois. The first initiative, Vision 2020, resulted in numerous achievements, including the passage of the Evidence-Based Funding Formula, Illinois Balanced Accountability Model, and Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act.

In October 2023, the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA), Illinois Principals Association (IPA), Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), Illinois Association of School Business Officials (IASBO), the Superintendents’ Commission for the Study of Demographics and Diversity (SCSDD), Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools (IARSS), Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special Education (IAASE), and The Association of Illinois Rural and Small Schools (AIRSS) launched Vision 2030 with the goal of articulating what the education community stands for and aspires to realize.

This Policy Framework is the culmination of multiple in-person sessions and a statewide engagement effort that included input from more than 1,000 stakeholders, ranging from the southern tip of Illinois through the northern Chicago suburbs. Most importantly, the ideas encapsulated in Vision 2030 represent priorities from the practitioners who work inside and outside of school buildings to improve the education outcomes of children from all backgrounds. On behalf of the near 2 million school children in Illinois, the Vision 2030 partners encourage the General Assembly, the Governor, and all stakeholders to review this Policy Framework and begin to take action to build an even brighter future for Illinois students.